Subscribers' A Little Bit of Everything Luxury Gift Box
Have a little bit of everything! Why not?
Drawer themes include:
• One (1) Glass Cup Drawer Option
• Three (3) Pamper Me Drawer Options
• Three (3) Tea Lovers Drawer Options
• Six (6) Journal Lovers Me Drawer Options
• One (1) The Sweet Drawer Option
Please click here for more detailed information on the items in each drawer option.
Items in each drawer option include:
Glass Cup Drawer
Pamper Me Drawer (No. 1)
Rainbow Cloud Bath Bomb | Crystal Amino Acid Soaps | Ultra Soft Wash Cloth | Silky Smooth Hand Creams | Compressed Towel Coins
Pamper Me Drawer (No. 2)
Rainbow Cloud Bath Bomb | Crystal Amino Acid Soaps | Silky Smooth Hand Creams | Adorable Necklace | Pair of Unique Earrings | Beautiful Bracelet
Pamper Me Drawer (No. 3)
Crystal Amino Acid Soaps | Silky Smooth Hand Creams | Facial Clay Masks | Adorable Necklace | Pair of Unique Earrings | Beautiful Bracelet | Beautiful Hair Stick
Tea Lovers Drawer (No. 1)
Flavor of Tea | Brown Rock Sugar | Tea Spoon | Tea Bags | Blooming Flower Tea | Tea Infusers | Mini Tea Bricks | Coaster
Tea Lovers Drawer (No. 2)
Flavors of Tea | Brown Rock Sugar | Tea Bags | Blooming Flower Tea | Tea Infusers
Tea Lovers Drawer (No. 3)
Blooming Flower Tea | Brown Rock Sugar| Mini Tea Bricks | Unique Asian Candies
Journal Lovers Drawer (No. 1)
Vintage Journal | Mini Leather Journal | Beautiful Bookmarks | Fountain Pens with Refills | Adorable Scrapbooking Stickers | Stationaries with Envelopes | Beautiful Oil Painting Postcards
Journal Lovers Drawer (No. 2)
Vintage Journal | Beautiful Bookmarks | Mini Music Box | Mini Highlighters
Journal Lovers Drawer (No. 3)
Vintage Journal | Beautiful Bookmarks | Beautiful Oil Painting Postcards | Unique Asian Candies
Journal Lovers Drawer (No. 4)
Vintage Journal | Mini Leather Journal | Beautiful Bookmarks | Adorable Scrapbooking Stickers | Beautiful Oil Painting Postcards | Mini Highlighters | Unique Paper Clips
Journal Lovers Drawer (No. 5)
Vintage Journal | Beautiful Bookmarks | Adorable Scrapbooking Stickers | Stationaries with Envelopes | Beautiful Oil Painting Postcards | Unique Paper Clips
Journal Lovers Drawer (No. 6)
Vintage Journal | Beautiful Bookmarks | Fountain Pen with Refills | Adorable Scrapbooking Stickers | Stationaries with Envelopes | Mini Highlighters | Unique Paper Clips
The Sweet Drawer
Unique Asian Candies | Mini Tea Bricks | Blooming Flower Tea | Brown Rock Sugar
❤ Thank you gift included - Surprise! ❤
Please click here for more detailed information on the items in each drawer option.
Chocking warning
Keep towel coins away from small children as they can be choking hazards.
Allergy warning
Might contain milk, soy, wheat, honey, and various nuts, etc.
Box total weight
7.0 - 8.0 lbs